Chellie and her six AKC registered puppies born 09/30/2024.  Today is 12/03/24 and they are ready to be purchased for Christmas!  She has just weaned these pups and has four males and two females.  There is one long coat blonde male and one long coat chocolate female.  The other four are smooth coats.  Four of these puppies are toy-sized and two 
​are tiny, tiny, tiny teacups.  They all use the bathroom on the grass exclusively, eat solid food, have had their shots and have been treated for internal parasites. Each of these pups are full of energy and are "rip-snorten" little toots.  You'll love their high-energy personalities.  They come from the oldest AKC Chihuahua kennel in the US (61 years) and can be shipped from DFW Airport, Dallas, or we will meet you part way if you live in Texas or a neighboring state.   The three toy-sized males are $2,000 each and the chocolate toy-sized female is $2,500.  The teacups are one male and one female and are both $3,000 each.  We will hold your pup until Christmas if you wish.  Call 903-848-8201 to get more information.
Chocolate toy long-coat female.
Cream toy smooth-coat male.
Blue teacup smooth-coat tiny, tiny male.
Blue teacup smooth-coat tiny, tiny female.
Blonde toy long-coat male.
Chocolate toy long-coat female and chocolate toy smooth-coat male.
Cream toy smooth-coat male and blonde toy long-coat male.
Chocolate toy smooth-coat male.